
Rotbarsch schrieb:
> Es gibt anscheinend zwei Openstreetbugs-Seiten:
> <http://openstreetbugs.schokokeks.org>
> <http://openstreetbugs.appspot.com>
> Auf der jeweils einen ist ein Fehler gestern geschlossen worden, der
> auf der anderen Seite noch als offen markiert ist.
> Wann und wie werden die beiden Seiten synchronisiert?

Dies ist mir vor einigen Tagen auch aufgefallen und ich habe daher den 
Macher der neuen OSB-Seite (schokokeks) kontaktiert. Zwei laufende 
nicht-synchrone OSB-Seiten sind auch meiner Meinung nach eher 
hinderlich. :-) Es scheint nicht am Macher der neuen Seite zu liegen, 
dass beide Versionen nicht synchron sind. Es gibt wohl gerade 
Kommunikationsschwierigkeiten mit dem Macher der alten Seite.

Dies ist die Diskussion, die ich mit dem Macher der neuen Seite geführt 
habe (unter [1] dokumentiert):

Ich: I filed a bug in the "old" openstreetbugs application a few days 
ago (see here) but it did not pop up on the "new" openstreetbug 
application (see here). Why? I thought that the synchronization process 
is triggered on a daily basis... --SB79 10:39, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

EMKA: In the last few days, Appspot did not respond to my queries many 
times in a row and the synchronisation could not happen. Coincidence or 
intention -- I can not tell. --emka 17:26, 24 June 2009 (UTC)

Ich: Hm, that's weird. Have you already tried to contact Xavier? :-) 
Unluckily, I don't know his openstreetmap-username. Have you tried to 
talk to him prior to your release of your version of openstreetbugs? If 
Xavier didn't answer, I would recommend asking your question on the 
talk mailinglist (or on the dev-list). I really appreciate what you're 
doing and would love to see one openstreetbugs-system (and not two 
seperate systems) running in order to avoid duplicate work on both, the 
dev-side and the user-side. --SB79 09:01, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

EMKA: I would also love to see one unified system, in the best case 
a "bugs" tab on the main page. Xavier is User:Xav. We exchanged some 
mails before the release but I got no response for a bit more than a 
month now. --emka 12:06, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

Ich: I just read above, that openstreetbugs.org now redirects to your 
osb-tool. :-) Looks like there is an agreement on replacing the 
previous version with your osb-tool. Do you have any "official" 
information about that? And if this is the case, the original 
osb-wikipage needs some update... --SB79 22:39, 25 June 2009 (UTC)

EMKA: This leads to the question: Who is "official" related to OSB? 
Xavier, who created the Appspot version and wrote the Javascript 
client, agreed on the rewrite before the announcement. The private 
domain owners for openstreetbugs.de and openstreetbugs.org switched the 
redirection, I guess because they like the improvements. The OSMF has 
nothing to do with it (yet). In my eyes the OSB service is an 
additional service around OSM data, free source code and free data 
available. The deciding force is the usage. Contact with the OSMF for 
inclusion in the main page did not happen yet, but they got the 
announcement. Regarding the wikipage: the new page is just linked on 
the old page at the moment. You may update it, if you have the 
time. --emka 08:13, 26 June 2009 (UTC) 



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