
    gerade kam auf der dev-Liste, dass Nick Whitelegg ein schnelles 
nur-Lese-API gebaut hat, bei dem Liniengeometrien ohne die 
dazugehoerigen Einzelnodes geliefert werden, also praktisch schon als 
"flachgelopfte" simple features. Unten das komplette Posting mit URL.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [OSM-dev] Quick OSM read-only API optimised for rendering
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 11:01:05 +0000
From: Nick Whitelegg <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk>
To: d...@openstreetmap.org

As part of an experiment with WebGL (3D in browser rendering of OSM data)
I'm planning on doing, I've developed a quick read-only OSM API and data
format optimised for rendering. The rationale was, that if the front end
is doing only rendering of OSM data (no editing), the standard OSM XML
format is not really optimised for this purpose. A better data format for
rendering would contain only point of interest nodes, with ways
represented as polylines of points, with no need for the client to look up
the coordinates of the way's constituent nodes by ID.

This API generates either XML or JSON describing points of interest and
ways (as polylines) in a given bounding box. You can find more details on
the blog post:


It's fairly quickly put together so might not handle errors gracefully
just yet.


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