
Thank you for your reply, I'll try my best to make it accurate!

If you want to be extra accurate, you'll have to survey the boundary
> milestones along the border, recalculate river centerlines and try to match
> everything to old documents.

Regarding rivers, I normally disregard mapping the administrative limit
that overlaps a river because I use the river itself, with up-to-date
imagery, to find the center line of it. Would you do it differently?

Speaking of disputes and old documents, what's your point of view about
> Olivenza? I suggest you get up-to-date on how to tag territorial disputes
> in
> OSM.

I believe OSM's maxim of following the "ground truth" so I'd say Olivenza
is for all intents territory of Spain. Still, I can look into disputed
territories like Crimea to get an idea of what to do and do something about
it in Olivenza.

2015-04-09 12:47 GMT+01:00 Iván Sánchez <i...@sanchezortega.es>:

> El Jueves 9. abril 2015 12.21.12 Marcos Oliveira escribió:
> > I'm also looking for the official data you use to map Spain's
> > administrative limits
> What you want is the files for "Líneas Límite Municipales" from here:
> http://centrodedescargas.cnig.es/CentroDescargas/equipamiento.do?method=mostrarEquipamiento
> Be aware that Spain doesn't have one "true" set of boundaries. Some
> municipalities have different data than the regional goverment, which might
> have different data than the national government. Usually the difference
> is no
> bigger than a few meters in the worst case.
> Submeter accuracy for boundaries doesn't seem like a big problem, until
> you're
> faced with the problem of taxing buildings & constructions which lay
> exactly
> on a boundary (e.g. http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/40.78820/-4.00284
> - I
> know, first-hand, that there was a small dispute between regional
> governments
> about who should tax one of the water depots there)
> If you want to be extra accurate, you'll have to survey the boundary
> milestones along the border, recalculate river centerlines and try to match
> everything to old documents.
> Speaking of disputes and old documents, what's your point of view about
> Olivenza? I suggest you get up-to-date on how to tag territorial disputes
> in
> OSM.
> > As a closing note, I'm writing this in English because I'm afraid I'd do
> a
> > lot of grammatical errors and be misunderstood if I wrote in Spanish. To
> > identify myself, I'm ViriatoLusitano. [1]
> Vc pode falar portunhol, a gente vai comprender ;-)
> --
> Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@mazemap.no> <i...@sanchezortega.es>
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Um Abraço,
Marcos Oliveira
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