Hello !

Quand je parlais de tuile je pensais au tuile de 1°x1° fournie par la
NASA. et week-end j'en n'ai a nouveau générée quelque unes pour test
avec un void filling fais maison  (images réduties a 12%, car
imageshack limite la taille des images, ce qui atenue les défauts de
mon void filling !):
Himalaya :

Marseille :

Angleterre :

Suisse :

Je suis en train d'essayer le script grass : r.fillnulls, ce sera
surement pour la prochaine version.

Es-ce qu'il y a un endroit ou je pourrais envoyer sans problème de
taille les "dalles" que je génère ce qui permettrait de tester plus
loin !


Source code :
8000   148 103 50
2000   247 171 96
500    242 243 159
100    134 201 116
-500   255 255 255
-32767 0 0 0

color-shade.cpp :

 * color-hillshade.cpp
 * Author: Stéphane Brunner, Matthew Perry, Paul Surgeon
 * License :
 Copyright 2005 Matthew T. Perry, 2005 Paul Surgeon, 2008 Stéphane Brunner
 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at


 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

 * calculates a shaded relief image from a gdal-supported raster DEM

 * updated nodata handling so that 0 is nodata and 1 - 255 are the shade values

#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include "gdal_priv.h"
#include "stringtok.h"

using namespace std;

struct SColor
  int Red;
  int Green;
  int Blue;

struct SColorPoint
  int Elevation;
  SColor Color;

vector<SColorPoint*> ColorPointList;

void ReadColorScale(const string& ScaleFileName)
  ifstream ScaleFile;
  string Buffer;
  list<string> StringList;
  SColorPoint* TempColorPoint;

  ScaleFile.open(ScaleFileName.c_str(), ios::in);

  if (!ScaleFile.is_open())
    cout << "Error opening color scale file : " << ScaleFileName << endl;
    exit (1);

  while (!ScaleFile.eof())
    getline(ScaleFile, Buffer);

    // Strip spaces in case we have a blank line
    while (Buffer[0] == ' ')

    // If not a blank line
    if (Buffer != "")
      TempColorPoint = new SColorPoint;
      stringtok(StringList, Buffer, " ");
      list<string>::iterator i = StringList.begin();
      TempColorPoint->Elevation = atoi(string(*i).c_str());
      TempColorPoint->Color.Red = atoi(string(*i).c_str());
      TempColorPoint->Color.Green = atoi(string(*i).c_str());
      TempColorPoint->Color.Blue = atoi(string(*i).c_str());



// Given an elevation calculate a color based on the color points table
// At the moment we're only doing linear color gradients
SColor GetColor(float Elevation)
  SColor Color = {0,0,0};
  SColorPoint* LowerColorPoint = NULL;
  SColorPoint* UpperColorPoint = NULL;
  SColorPoint* TempColorPoint;
  float TempElev;
  float DiffFactor;

  // Find closest pair of color points that the elevation falls between
  // Lower color point
  TempElev = -64000;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ColorPointList.size(); i++)
    TempColorPoint = ColorPointList[i];
    if ((TempColorPoint->Elevation <= Elevation) && (TempElev <
      TempElev = TempColorPoint->Elevation;
      LowerColorPoint = TempColorPoint;
  // Upper color point
  TempElev = 64000;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ColorPointList.size(); i++)
    TempColorPoint = ColorPointList[i];
    if ((TempColorPoint->Elevation >= Elevation) && (TempElev >
      TempElev = TempColorPoint->Elevation;
      UpperColorPoint = TempColorPoint;

  // I should change the following clipping logic to use the color scale instead
  // Return blue
  if (LowerColorPoint == NULL)
    Color.Red = 150;
    Color.Green = 150;
    Color.Blue = 255;
    return Color;

  // Return white
  if (UpperColorPoint == NULL)
    Color.Red = 255;
    Color.Green = 255;
    Color.Blue = 255;
    return Color;

  // Work out the factor the elevation is between the lower and upper
color point elevations
  // If the upper and lower color points point to the same color point
object then
  // it means that the elevation falls exactly on a color point
  if (LowerColorPoint != UpperColorPoint)
    DiffFactor = (Elevation - LowerColorPoint->Elevation) /
(UpperColorPoint->Elevation - LowerColorPoint->Elevation);
    Color.Red   = (int)((UpperColorPoint->Color.Red -
LowerColorPoint->Color.Red) * DiffFactor) +
    Color.Green = (int)((UpperColorPoint->Color.Green -
LowerColorPoint->Color.Green) * DiffFactor) +
    Color.Blue  = (int)((UpperColorPoint->Color.Blue -
LowerColorPoint->Color.Blue) * DiffFactor) +
    Color.Red   = LowerColorPoint->Color.Red;
    Color.Green = LowerColorPoint->Color.Green;
    Color.Blue  = LowerColorPoint->Color.Blue;

  return Color;

void get(float* InPixels, int j, int i, int x, int y, int nYSize, float* out) {
  int cx;
  int cy;
  for (cx = 0 ; cx < x ; cx++) {
    for (cy = 0 ; cy < y ; cy++) {
      out[cx * y + cy] = InPixels[(j+cx) * nYSize + i+cy];

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  GDALDataset* poDataset;
  double       adfGeoTransform[6];
  float*       RowRed;
  float*       RowGreen;
  float*       RowBlue;
  float        InPixel;
  int          i;
  int          j;
  const char*  Format = "GTiff";
  SColor       TempColor;
  float*       InPixels;

  if (argc < 3)
    cout << "color-shade generates a color relief map from any
GDAL-supported elevation raster and a shaded relief map from any
GDAL-supported elevation raster.";
    cout << "The final result is the multiplication of the booth maps." << endl;
    cout << endl << "Usage:" << endl;
    cout << "color-shade <input_dem> <input_color_scale>
<output_relief_map>" << endl;
    cout << "[-a addFactor (0..1, default 0)]" << endl;
    cout << "                 [-z ZFactor (default=1)] [-s scale*
(default=1)]" << endl;
    cout << "                 [-az Azimuth (default=315)] [-alt
Altitude (default=45)]" << endl << endl;

    cout << "Notes about color relief map (input_color_scale):" << endl;
    cout << "The input color scale is a file containing a set of
elevation points (in meters)" << endl;
    cout << "and colors. Typically only a small number of elevation
and color sets will be needed" << endl;
    cout << "and the rest will be interpolated by color-relief." << endl;
    cout << "Example color scale file with 4000 meters set to white
and 0 meters set to green:" << endl;
    cout << "4000 255 255 255" << endl;
    cout << "0 0 255 0" << endl << endl;
    cout << "Using true black (0 0 0) as your RGB values will yield
blank/null cells." << endl;
    cout << "Note that to remove nodata from the output, set the DEM's
nodata value to rgb of 0 0 0:" << endl;
    cout << "-32767 0 0 0" << endl << endl;
    cout << "See the accompanying \"scale.txt\" file for a decent
example." << endl << endl;

    cout << "Notes about shaded relief map:" << endl;
    cout << "   Scale for Feet:Latlong use scale=370400, for
Meters:LatLong use scale=111120" << endl << endl;;

    cout << "Notes map meging:" << endl;
    cout << "   The add factor can be use to add some britness." << endl;
    cout << "   the used calcul: result = colorPixel * (addFactor +
shadePixel / 256.0)." << endl << endl;


  const char* InFilename = argv[1];
  const string ScaleFilename = argv[2];
  const char* OutFilename = argv[3];

  // Open and read color scale file


  // Open dataset and get raster band
  poDataset = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen(InFilename, GA_ReadOnly);
  if(poDataset == NULL)
    cout << "Couldn't open dataset " << InFilename << endl;

  GDALRasterBand *poInBand;
  poInBand = poDataset->GetRasterBand(1);

  // Get variables from input dataset
  const int nXSize = poInBand->GetXSize();
  const int nYSize = poInBand->GetYSize();
  RowRed    = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*nXSize);
  RowGreen  = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*nXSize);
  RowBlue   = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*nXSize);
  InPixels  = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*nXSize*nYSize);

  // Create the output dataset and copy over relevant metadata
  GDALDriver *poDriver;
  poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(Format);
  GDALDataset      *poDS;
  GDALRasterBand   *poBandRed;
  GDALRasterBand   *poBandGreen;
  GDALRasterBand   *poBandBlue;
  char**           Options = NULL;

  poDS = poDriver->Create(OutFilename,nXSize,nYSize,3,GDT_Byte,Options);

  poBandRed = poDS->GetRasterBand(1);
  poBandGreen = poDS->GetRasterBand(2);
  poBandBlue = poDS->GetRasterBand(3);

  const float radiansToDegrees = 180.0 / 3.14159;
  const float degreesToRadians = 3.14159 / 180.0;
  float       *win = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*9);
  int         winsize = 9;
  float       *shadeBuf;
  float       x;
  float       y;
  float       aspect;
  float       slope;
  float       cang;
  int         n;
  int         containsNull;
  const char *pszFormat = "GTiff";
  float       z = 1.0;
  float       scale = 1.0;
  float       az = 315.0;
  float       alt = 45.0;
  float       add = 0;

  for ( int iArg = 4; iArg < argc; iArg++ )
    if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-a") ||
      add = atof(argv[iArg+1]);
    if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-z") )
      z = atof(argv[iArg+1]);
    if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-s") ||
      scale = atof(argv[iArg+1]);
    if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-az") ||
      az = atof(argv[iArg+1]);
    if( EQUAL(argv[iArg],"-alt") ||
      alt = atof(argv[iArg+1]);


  /* -------------------------------------
   * Get variables from input dataset
  const double   nsres = adfGeoTransform[5];
  const double   ewres = adfGeoTransform[1];
  const float    inputNullValue = (float) poInBand->GetNoDataValue( );
  const float    nullValue = 0.0;
  shadeBuf       = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*nXSize);

  /* -----------------------------------------
   * Create the output dataset and copy over relevant metadata
  poDriver = GetGDALDriverManager()->GetDriverByName(pszFormat);
  char **papszOptions = NULL;

 for (i = 0; i < nYSize; i++) {
    cout << "\r" << i << "/" << nYSize << "          ";
    for (j = 0; j < nXSize; j++) {
      poInBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, j, i, 1, 1, &InPixel, 1, 1,
GDT_Float32, 0, 0);
      // reduce missing data impact
      if (InPixel == inputNullValue) {
/*        int is = i == 0 ? 0 : i - 1;
        int ie = i == nYSize-1 ? i : i + 1;
        int js = j == 0 ? 0 : j - 1;;
        int je = j == nXSize-1 ? j : j + 1;*/
        int is = i;
        int ie = i;
        int js = j;
        int je = j;
        while (is != 0 && InPixel == inputNullValue) {
          poInBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, j, is, 1, 1, &InPixel, 1, 1, GDT_Float32, 
0, 0);
        InPixel = inputNullValue;
        while (ie != nYSize-1 && InPixel == inputNullValue) {
          poInBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, j, ie, 1, 1, &InPixel, 1, 1, GDT_Float32, 
0, 0);
        InPixel = inputNullValue;
        while (js != 0 && InPixel == inputNullValue) {
          poInBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, js, i, 1, 1, &InPixel, 1, 1, GDT_Float32, 
0, 0);
        InPixel = inputNullValue;
        while (je != nXSize-1 && InPixel == inputNullValue) {
          poInBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, je, i, 1, 1, &InPixel, 1, 1, GDT_Float32, 
0, 0);
        for (int k = 0 ; k < 50 ; k++) {
          is = is == 0 ? 0 : is - 1;
          ie = ie == nYSize-1 ? ie : ie + 1;
          js = js == 0 ? 0 : js - 1;
          je = je == nXSize-1 ? je : je + 1;

        int length = (ie -is + 1) * (je - js + 1);
//if (length>100000) cout << endl << length << ", " << i-is << ", " <<
ie-i << ", " << j-js << ", " << je-j << endl;

        if (winsize < length) {
          win = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*length);
          winsize = length;

        int il = ie -is + 1;
        int jl = je -js + 1;
        poInBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, js, is, jl, il, win, jl, il,
GDT_Float32, 0, 0);

        float fact = 0;
        float sum = 0;
        for (int k = 0 ; k < length ; k++) {
          if (win[k] != inputNullValue) {
            int ik = is+k/jl - i;
            int jk = js+k%jl - j;
            float length = ik*ik+jk*jk;
            length = length*length;
            sum += win[k]/length;
            fact += 1/length;

//if (length>100000) cout << endl << sum << "/" << fact << "=" << sum
/ fact << endl;
        InPixels[j * nYSize + i] = sum / fact;

        // Write lines to output raster
/*        int is = i;
        int ie = i;
        int js = j;
        int je = j;

        int length = 1;
        int valide = 0;
        float sum = 0;
        float fact = 0;
        while ((float)length / valide > 2) {
          int nb = sqrt(length);
          for (int z = 0 ; z < nb ; z++) {
            is = is == 0 ? 0 : is - 1;
            ie = ie == nYSize-1 ? ie : ie + 1;
            js = js == 0 ? 0 : js - 1;
            je = je == nXSize-1 ? je : je + 1;
          length = (ie -is + 1) * (je - js + 1);
if (length > 100000) cout << "\r" << i << "/" << nYSize << " - " << j
<< "/" << nXSize << ", " << length << ".          ";
          valide = 0;
          fact = 0;
          sum = 0;

          if (winsize < length) {
            win = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*length);
            winsize = length;

          int il = ie -is + 1;
          int jl = je -js + 1;
          poInBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, js, is, jl, il, win, jl, il,
GDT_Float32, 0, 0);

          for (int k = 0 ; k < length ; k++) {
            if (win[k] != inputNullValue) {
              int ik = is+k/jl - i;
              int jk = js+k%jl - j;
              float length = sqrt(ik*ik+jk*jk);
              sum += win[k]/length;
              fact += 1/length;
//cout << "\r" << sum << "/" << fact << " = " << sum / fact << endl;
        InPixels[j * nYSize + i] = sum / fact;*/
      else {
        InPixels[j * nYSize + i] = InPixel;
  cout << endl;

  /* ------------------------------------------
   * Move a 3x3 window over each cell
   * (where the cell in question is #4)
   *                 0 1 2
   *                 3 4 5
   *                 6 7 8
  for ( i = 0; i < nYSize; i++) {
    for ( j = 0; j < nXSize; j++) {
      containsNull = 0;

      // Exclude the edges
//      if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == nYSize-1 || j == nXSize-1 )
//      {
        // We are at the edge so write nullValue and move on
//        shadeBuf[j] = nullValue;
//        continue;
//      }

      // For the edges
      if (i == 0)
        if (j == 0)
          get(InPixels, j, i, 2, 2, nYSize, win);
          win[8] = win[3];
          win[7] = win[2];
          win[5] = win[1];
          win[4] = win[0];
          win[0] = 2*win[4] - win[8];
          win[1] = 2*win[4] - win[7];
          win[2] = 2*win[5] - win[8];
          win[3] = 2*win[4] - win[5];
          win[6] = 2*win[7] - win[8];
        else if (j == nXSize-1)
          get(InPixels, j-1, i, 2, 2, nYSize, win);
          win[5] = win[3];
          win[4] = win[2];
          win[2] = win[1];
          win[1] = win[0];
          win[0] = 2*win[1] - win[2];
          win[3] = 2*win[4] - win[5];
          win[6] = 2*win[4] - win[8];
          win[7] = 2*win[4] - win[1];
          win[8] = 2*win[5] - win[2];
          get(InPixels, j-1, i, 3, 2, nYSize, win);
          win[8] = win[5];
          win[7] = win[4];
          win[5] = win[3];
          win[4] = win[2];
          win[2] = win[1];
          win[1] = win[0];
          win[0] = 2*win[1] - win[2];
          win[3] = 2*win[4] - win[5];
          win[6] = 2*win[7] - win[8];
      else if (i == nYSize-1)
        if (j == 0)
          get(InPixels, j, i-1, 2, 2, nYSize, win);
          win[7] = win[3];
          win[6] = win[2];
          win[4] = win[1];
          win[3] = win[0];
          win[0] = 2*win[3] - win[6];
          win[1] = 2*win[4] - win[7];
          win[2] = 2*win[4] - win[6];
          win[5] = 2*win[4] - win[3];
          win[8] = 2*win[7] - win[6];
        else if (j == nXSize-1)
          get(InPixels, j-1, i-1, 2, 2, nYSize, win);
          win[4] = win[3];
          win[3] = win[2];
          win[1] = win[1];
          win[0] = win[0];
          win[2] = 2*win[1] - win[0];
          win[5] = 2*win[4] - win[3];
          win[6] = 2*win[3] - win[0];
          win[7] = 2*win[4] - win[1];
          win[8] = 2*win[4] - win[0];
          get(InPixels, j-1, i-1, 3, 2, nYSize, win);
          win[7] = win[5];
          win[6] = win[4];
          win[4] = win[3];
          win[3] = win[2];
          win[1] = win[1];
          win[0] = win[0];
          win[2] = 2*win[1] - win[0];
          win[5] = 2*win[4] - win[3];
          win[8] = 2*win[7] - win[6];
        if (j == 0)
          get(InPixels, j, i-1, 2, 3, nYSize, win);
          win[8] = win[5];
          win[7] = win[4];
          win[6] = win[3];
          win[5] = win[2];
          win[4] = win[1];
          win[3] = win[0];
          win[0] = 2*win[3] - win[6];
          win[1] = 2*win[4] - win[7];
          win[2] = 2*win[5] - win[8];
        else if (j == nXSize-1)
          get(InPixels, j-1, i-1, 2, 3, nYSize, win);
          win[5] = win[5];
          win[4] = win[4];
          win[3] = win[3];
          win[2] = win[2];
          win[1] = win[1];
          win[0] = win[0];
          win[6] = 2*win[3] - win[0];
          win[7] = 2*win[4] - win[1];
          win[8] = 2*win[5] - win[2];
          // Read in 3x3 window
          get(InPixels, j-1, i-1, 3, 3, nYSize, win);

      // Check if window has null value
      for ( n = 0; n <= 8; n++) {
        if(win[n] == inputNullValue) {
          containsNull = 1;

      if (containsNull == 1) {
        // We have nulls so write nullValue and move on
        shadeBuf[j] = nullValue;
      } else {
        // We have a valid 3x3 window.

        /* ---------------------------------------
         * Compute Hillshade

        // First Slope ...
        x = ((z*win[0] + z*win[3] + z*win[3] + z*win[6]) -
                    (z*win[2] + z*win[5] + z*win[5] + z*win[8])) /
                    (8.0 * ewres * scale);

        y = ((z*win[6] + z*win[7] + z*win[7] + z*win[8]) -
                    (z*win[0] + z*win[1] + z*win[1] + z*win[2])) /
                    (8.0 * nsres * scale);

        slope = 90.0 - atan(sqrt(x*x + y*y))*radiansToDegrees;

        // ... then aspect...
        aspect = atan2(x,y);

        // ... then the shade value
        cang = sin(alt*degreesToRadians) * sin(slope*degreesToRadians) +
                       cos(alt*degreesToRadians) * cos(slope*degreesToRadians) *
                       cos((az-90.0)*degreesToRadians - aspect);

        if (cang <= 0.0)
          cang = 1.0;
          cang = 1.0 + (254.0 * cang);

          shadeBuf[j] = cang;


      InPixel = InPixels[j * nYSize + i];

      // reduce missing data impact
/*      if (shadeBuf[j] == nullValue && j != 0) {
        RowRed[j]   = RowRed[j-1];
        RowGreen[j] = RowGreen[j-1];
        RowBlue[j]  = RowBlue[j-1];
      } else {*/
        TempColor = GetColor(InPixel);
        float facteur = add + shadeBuf[j] / 256.0;
        RowRed[j]   = TempColor.Red * facteur;
        RowGreen[j] = TempColor.Green * facteur;
        RowBlue[j]  = TempColor.Blue * facteur;
//      }

    // Write lines to output raster
    poBandRed->RasterIO(GF_Write, 0, i, nXSize, 1, RowRed, nXSize, 1,
GDT_Float32, 0, 0);
    poBandGreen->RasterIO(GF_Write, 0, i, nXSize, 1, RowGreen, nXSize,
1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0);
    poBandBlue->RasterIO(GF_Write, 0, i, nXSize, 1, RowBlue, nXSize,
1, GDT_Float32, 0, 0);


  delete poDS;

  return 0;

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