Des volontaires pour aider à la traduction française d'un plugin Leaflet
pour Wordpress ?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: 2012/1/26
Subject: [contact] [Informations sur l'association] OSM WordPress mapping
plugin - looking for help with French translations

Robert Harm ( a envoyé un message en utilisant le
formulaire de contact suivant :**contact<>


my name is Robert Harm and I am the main developer of the new WordPress OSM
mapping plugin "Leaflet Maps Marker".
This freely available plugin was released on Jan 1st 2012 and can be
downloaded on (1500 downloads so far).
It allows you to easily pin, organize & show your favorite places through
OpenStreetMap/WMTS, Google Maps/Earth (KML-Export), GeoJSON
or Augmented-Reality browsers. A demo and a download link can be found on
plugin website.

Why I am writing you: I received great feedback from users so far and the
Chairman of OSM Japan even contributed a Japanese translation
for the plugin. As I want to make this plugin usable to users not found of
the English, German or Japanese language,
I kindly ask you if you happen to know OSM guys/ladies could possible assist
me translating the plugin in different languages like French
or help to spread the word about my plugin which could really get more
into using OSM in my opinion.

I am sure that this would not only benefit my plugin but also help OSM in
general as it´s getting used much more often through the
easy integration into the content management system Wordpress, which
according to Wikipedia

    is used by over 14.7% of Alexa Internet's "top 1 million" websites and
of August 2011 powers 22% of all new websites.[5]
    WordPress is currently the most popular CMS in use on the

or according to has been installed more than
70.700.000 times worldwide.

Information on how to help with translations can be found at**languages/<>
I´d really appreciate it, if you could spread this message to your
appropriate OSM communication channels.

Looking forward to your answer!
Best regards from Vienna in Austria,

Robert Harm
Leaflet Maps Marker Plugin for Wordpress
Pin, organize & show your favorite places through OpenStreetMap/WMTS, Google
Maps/Earth (KML), GeoJSON or Augmented-Reality browsers

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France -<>
Talk-fr mailing list

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