
Transfert d'un message qui pourra intéresser du monde je pense. Frederik Ramm est en train de mettre en place une déclinaison du site taginfo pour chaque extrait géographique  de données proposé par Geofabrik. Les découpages suivent donc la nomenclature connue ici :

Ca donne par exemple un Taginfo pour la Picardie : ou la Guadeloupe :, etc.

Pour ceux qui ne liront pas le message initial : l'annonce s'accompagne de précautions, il peut y avoir des effets de bord sur le vrai périmètre de données pris en compte, l'interface est à compléter, les cartes peuvent ne pas parfaitement coller à l'emprise géo... bref il faut encore que ça sèche, mais le principe est bien prometteur pour obtenir des statistiques très ciblées sur une zone.

Et si vous constatez des bugs, faites le savoir ici ou directement sur la liste dev@, c'était un des effets attendus du message initial.


-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         [OSM-dev] Experimental regional taginfo sites
Date :  Sun, 5 Jan 2020 16:44:59 +0100
De :    Frederik Ramm <>
Pour :  dev <>

Happy new year!

Following in Imre Samu's
( footsteps, I have used
the past holiday season to set up a taginfo server that is supposed to
serve daily updated taginfo data for all regional extracts routinely
offered on the Geofabrik download server.

It's still being tinkered with hence I'm not announcing it widely - I'd
hope that a few of you here might want to give it a spin and tell me how
it is working for them before it is properly "launched".

The site is and you have to append the
path of the region you're interested in as known from the download
server, e.g. or

If you do anything fancy with the URL e.g. leave off the trailing slash
or add one where it doesn't belong, you'll get an internal server error
;) The same is true for situations in which I should accidentally have
neglected to fix a hyperlink and it still points to /something instead
of /continent/country/something.

The map images are auto-generated from the data extent and will probably
require some tweaking in some cases, e.g. the Australia-Oceania image
essentially spans the globe.

The way this works internally is that it simply runs Jochen's taginfo
data analysis on every extract, separately, and then uses a slightly
modified web application that is capable of handling multiple databases
at the same time. For the non-extract-specific sources like the wiki
extract, a shared copy is used by all regions. The regional databases
are downloadable (e.g.,
but in contrast to Jochen's global taginfo site, these downloads are
compressed on demand, and you can easily overload the server by trying
to download all databases. If you want all regional databases, talk to
me and we'll set something up.

This is still missing a couple features, most of all some form of
navigation between regions (currently only by manual URL manipulation).
It also has a few issues that Imre has already encountered and fixed in
his approach, most notably the fact that the Geofabrik extracts are not
very precise, leading to strange artifacts like a
"source=cadastre-dgi-fr" being prominent in Luxembourg and so on.

Most of the changes I have made to the taginfo web site are on, some bits and
pieces are still missing but will ultimately all end up there.

Let me hear of the problems you encounter so I can fix them before
announcing this further!


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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