Hi Chris, Philip

I take your point about the buildings polygons being very low quality. The merging is not too bad in rural areas like these where the building density is low, but a lot of detail is missing. My plan was just to use the OS stuff as a starting point, then modify the polygon using a combination of EA Lidar data and Bing Imagery. Taking into account your suggestions. I think I will modify my workflow to do what I can to improve the quality of the footprints in QGIS before putting the data in OSM.

I have copied this post to talk-gb and will move over there.

BTW you can see some of my post processed lidar imagery at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153566350398437.1073741827.629788436&type=1&l=3ae0282808

I am making some further progress on the lidar data using QGIS and BREC.

On 13/05/16 11:11, Chris Hill wrote:
It's great that you want to add to the map data. Please do not add the OS OpenMap Local building outlines. They are heavily simplified and as such, poor quality. You can't distinguish how many residences there are in a building outline, so is it detached, semi-detached or a terrace? Adding buildings is valuable, but I believe in quality not quantity, so I would trace building outlines from aerial images and not import the 'dumbed-down' OS Open data. Let's make the best map we can, not just import OS's deliberately reduced quality stuff.

Chris (chillly)

BTW, this list list is almost dead. If you really want to reach people I would use talk-gb.

On 13/05/16 10:50, Roger James wrote:

I am proposing to do some mapping in a couple of parishes in North Lancashire. These are "Slyne-with-Hest" and "Nether Kellet". I plan to use the latest OS OpenMap Local dataset to provide basic building boundaries where none previously exist. I will be using OSTN02 data to do the transforms.

Any comments or suggestions gratefully accepted.


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