I've been looking at Tipton since it got a mention in #osm-gb IRC
channel for a note being added "near Staffordshire".


Nominatim is using old county place nodes which pre-date the
boundary relations to determine the county. Some counties have such
a node, some don't, and Kent has two, so I removed the Staffordshire
node after moving the GNS information from the node to the relation,
and that shifted Tipton to Worcestershire. I did the same again for
Worcestershire, and it now shows as Warwickshire, with a couple more
distant place nodes showing as the next likely ones that will be
picked should I carry on down this road.


So I figured I was addressing (no pun intended) the problem from the
wrong angle. I then noticed the West Midlands mentioned in the
nominatim results is admin level 5 not 6, so the European region,
not the county. I then read Wikipedia a bit and discover that the
West Midlands is effectively a county without a county council,
which is perhaps why the boundary relation for the county was
switched to ceremonial, causing all the strange nominatim results.
Wikipedia suggests that with the abolition of the county council,
although a few services are still organised county wide, that each
former district is effectively a unitary authority. If so, then like
for Southend-on-Sea, their boundary relation should be updated to
admin level 6, rather than being left at admin level 8. This should
result in nominatim reporting Tipton, Sandwell rather than picking
the nearest county node.


However, perhaps you've all discussed this before and there are
local things I'm not aware. Indeed I lived in the West Midlands when
the county council was abolished and didn't even notice...


So I thought I'd pass this over to you all to discuss to see whether
you thought the admin levels would be more appropriate set to the
level of unitary authority rather than county district.




PS: I'm not sure either why the admin level 5 relation links to the
German Wikipedia rather than the English one.




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