Rob - great work. I've had an initial go at JOSM editing. What's the
correct attribution to use for the source tag? In the meantie I've used
LIDAR wich doesn't look right



On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Rob Nickerson <>

> Hi all,
> The tiles to zoom 18 for Ironbridge LiDAR data are now online. I have
> subtracted the terrain layer from the surface layer (or is it the other way
> round) leaving just the buildings and other sticky-uppy things! If you
> think the full terrain layer would be useful too I can add this later.
> You can view the map online at
> You can add the layer to JOSM:
> The data looks very good and it is even possible to see through the trees
> to the paths below.
> Thanks to Chris Hill (chillly) for writing simple enough instructions that
> I can understand.
> Happy mapping.
> Rob
> p.s. I've used the 25cm data so I am just looking in to adding zoom 19 as
> this should provide a bit more detail.
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