In the case of a museum which is tagged as a node, inside a building
closedway, I would be inclined to give both the node and the building the
same Wikidata tag.

I created Lua code which can be included on a Wikipedia page, which uses
Overpass API to show where that  'museum' is mapped on Openstreetmap.

At the moment I'm adding wikidata tags to railway stations in Belgium
(Thanks to Simon04, who made doing so a bit more practical: THANKS), so I
add the same wikidata identifier to both the building=train_station and the
node railway=station, and sometimes to the nearby bus stops as well, if
they have station in their names.

That way, somebody who uses the script, will get to see all the OSM objects
that are related to the railway station.

At some point it may happen that the separate bus stops will have wikidata
items of their own, at that time, they can be updated in OSM and their
relation to the station can then probably be found in Wikidata.

It's time consuming, but I tend to do this one by one. There are often
things that can be mapped in better ways around those stations.

What we do need, is a way to fetch wikidata items based on their
coordinates in the Wikipedia plugin, now only Wikpedia articles of the
language set in the preferences are retrieved.


2016-01-17 16:51 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer <>:

> 2016-01-17 12:08 GMT+01:00 Edward Betts <>:
>> Any questions or comments?
> I have started some time ago to add wikidata tags manually myself and have
> found that there are a few problems to be careful about. Will you be
> checking the matches you have found to see if there would be contradictions
> between single wikidata statements and current OSM tags, that will require
> reorganization of either the OSM object or the wikidata object? "Partial"
> matches are not so uncommon, e.g. you could have a wikidata object
> referring to a museum and an OSM object referring to the building housing
> the museum (or the other way round).
> Another field of similar but not identical objects can happen with places
> (and sub-places like quarters), where one of the DBs is referring to the
> administrative entity and the other to the geographical entity (or only one
> of the DBs is referring to both while the other has it split over 2
> objects).
> Cheers,
> Martin
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