Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this (I can't find a better one).

I am trying to generate some tiles to generate a set of tiles to cover the
British Isles in the OSGB Projection (epsg:27700)

The files I have use an quite possibly unique naming schema (we are
intending to use them as a drop in replacement for some OS supplied tiles
when the licence expires, extending coverage to Northern Ireland* in the
process) - an example of which is
map-n440000-e360000-s420000-w340000-px250.png the numbers are the meters
north/east of the OSGB origin (centered on western edge of the city of
Preston in this example)  so it should be relatively easy to generate the
tiles - but I am coming unstuck at generating the images.

Modifying and using (chopped a bit for brevity - full code
at , the main Mapnik page contains my
installation notes)

prj = Projection("+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0
+x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgri...@null +no_defs +over")
ll = (-6.5, 49.5, 2.1, 59)
c0 = prj.forward(Coord(ll[0],ll[1]))
c1 = prj.forward(Coord(ll[2],ll[3]))
bbox = Envelope(c0.x,c0.y,c1.x,c1.y)

gives me a map of the British Isles which generates okay :)

Changing the projection line to

prj = Projection('+init=epsg:27700')

gives me a map centered some 500km or so south of Ghana on the equator

Thinking I need to use Geocodes (aka Eastings and Northings) changing the ll
line to

ll = (0,0,500000,500000)

This gives me a box of ocean, as does using km instead of meters

ll = (0,0,500.000,500.000)

Various combinations of changing the bbox and ll result in getting either
Ghana or ocean - I guess i'm doing somet slightly wrong somewhere along the

Taking the Eastings/Northings and converting to Latitude/Longitude means
they don't quite match (Holyhead ends up around 20km north of it's original
location for example) and the tiles don't join properly - this (as you would
expect) results in noticable "tearing" of the map, particulally on the west
coast of Ireland (for example Limerick is shown twice) and results in the
town of Norwich disappearing on the east coast of England.

Does anyone know/have a working example of how to generate a single tile
using (or based on) based on the geocodes that bound the

* Yes I know the Island is on a different grid but all our points use Great
Britain geocodes, which means negative eastings.


Kev :o)
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