On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Chris Jones <roller...@sucs.org> wrote:
> Glenn Proctor wrote:
>> Media hype, as a result of political maneuvering by one of the several
>> agencies involved with keeping GPS going[1]. The US is behind on one
>> of the programs that launches new/replacement satellites, but the
>> reality is that there are, IIRC, over 30 satellites currently in orbit
>> plus 2 spares. 24 are needed for full global coverage so there's
>> plenty of leeway yet.
> And with any luck Galileo should be up and running in a few years...
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_positioning_system

Plus there's the (already functioning) Russian GLONASS

I think there are receiver chips that will work with both GPS and
GLONASS, but they're not that common at the moment, presumably because
they cost a few cents extra to manufacture. Perhaps the hype about GPS
will encourage manufacturers to start building in this capability.


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