On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 3:57 PM, WessexMario<wessexmario-...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> I'd like to use the OSM Cycle Map rendering at different zoom levels as
> the base layer for a project I'm doing, but I want to overlay something
> else, and the emphasised cycleways in large red lines are both
> obliterating some of the detail I need. and would distract from my own
> overlay.  If it wasn't for the cycleways the map would be perfect for
> what I need.
> Is it possible (and if so how?)  to get a map rendered like the Cycle
> Map, but without the cycleways?

I don't think there's anyone offering a tile download service for just
contours and hillshading, so you'll probably need to render your own.

For contours, the info you need is here:

Also useful info at:


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