On 17/02/2010 14:06, Someoneelse wrote:
> I suspect that the problem is that the places on this list tend not to 
> be places that you'd actively choose to visit in summer.  I live not far 
> from Mansfield, so taking that as an example (to avoid being 
> disrespectful to anyone else's home town!), it isn't somewhere that 
> you'd normally go to unless you absolutely had to.

Careful. I was born in Mansfield.

The residential areas and suburbs of *any* town aren't places you'd
normally go unless you had to, but we do to map them. Mapping Berry Hill
or Ladybrook wouldn't be any different to mapping a suburb in any other
town in the UK.

If you were organising a Mansfield mapping party you'd need to ensure
that there was a decent venue available, but that would be the trickiest
part, I think.

Jonathan (Jonobennett)

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