On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:46 PM, Roy Jamison <xtee...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>  then these could probably just be ignored instead of having
> millions of not:* tags for all the possible permutations that *could* be
> entered incorrectly by an end user.

I think you've misunderstood the issue under discussion. We're not
discussing "millions" of tags, and we're not discussing "all the
possible permutations" of names. We're discussing the occasional
situation where OS Locator disagrees with OSM, and where the OS
Locator turns out to be wrong. Exaggerating the situation doesn't help
sensible discussion.

I believe we need to track these false positives. If Ipswich is any
guide, and there is about a dozen errors per town, then there is going
to come a point where we are all repeatedly examining the same false
positives trying to track down the remaining few actual mistakes in
OSM. So we need to track them, and we want to make sure that mappers
notice that someone else has already marked the false positives. How
do we make sure that such record keeping works with ITO, and Robert
Scott's tool, and any other tool that compares OSM and OS Locator? How
do we make sure that all the mappers are aware of the situation,
whether they are using potlatch or JOSM (or merkaartor, or potlatch2,
or osm2go, or mapzen, or...).

The simple, effective way that we can use right now is by tagging the
OSM data. We could build another system, and change every editor and
the relevant processing tools to support and use such a system, but
since that doesn't actually exist yet I struggle to see how anyone
could use it right now.

Anyway, the whole discussion is detracting from getting on with stuff.
For example, we have 98% of street names missing in Oswestry. 98%!!
Half the regions in Peter's CSV have less than half the streets named.
Let's focus our discussions on fixing the map rather than discussing
the rare edge cases.


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