On 12 August 2010 14:23, Tim Francois <sk1pp...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> In that case, it sounds to me like a maintenance nightmare, especially if
> everyone adds all the errors they find in the OS data to the Catalog.
> I will certainly think before adding too many more errors to the Catalog,
> because there is every chance that in six months time (or whenever the next
> release cycle is for the particular product) the editor that added the data
> might be gone. It's tricky, because we obviously don't want to bombard OS
> with multiple emails with the same error (two or three won't hurt, and may
> actually be beneficial) - however, 'bombard' might be too strong-a word,
> depending on how many people actually pass on errors to OS...
> Tough call...
> Tim

Would it better to collect all errors in the catalogue, and then
periodically send them to OS? I know that I would rather receive one
email with 100 actions than 100 emails with 1 action. Or worse,
multiple emails for the same action.

It may also help improve the image of OSM by acting in a coordinated manner.

Philip Stubbs

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