----- Original Message ----- From: "Andy Street" <m...@andystreet.me.uk>
To: "Nick Whitelegg" <nick.whitel...@solent.ac.uk>
Cc: <talk-gb@openstreetmap.org>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 3:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Footpath reference numbers

On Mon, 2010-11-08 at 14:37 +0000, Nick Whitelegg wrote:
I think some discussion of this has come up before (some time ago) but how many people are tagging footpaths with their council reference numbers?

Reason I ask is that I'm in the process of overhauling Freemap and one thing I'd like to do is allow people to tag footpaths with (perhaps subjective) comments which would be out of place in the main OSM database, such as whether it has a nice view, whether there are any problems with the path, etc.

I do this already to some extent but the only problem is that the comments are linked to the path's OSM ID. Obviously if the path is split, or deleted and redrawn, the OSM ID then becomes invalidated so it's tricky to ensure that comments remain associated with the correct footpath.

However council footpath reference numbers can uniquely identify a footpath, so obviously if comments were linked to ref numbers the problem would be much simplified.

AFAIK the path numbers in Hampshire are only unique within parish
boundaries. Although not impossible, it might be a bit of a PITA to add
RoW numbers to paths that either cross the boundary multiple times or
are themselves part of the boundary.

I know one or two people have been tagging ref numbers but where have they got the info from? A couple of councils round here (Hants, West Sussex) publish the path numbers on their online maps but it's unclear whether copying from them would be infringement of copyright.

If anyone has been extensively tagging paths with ref numbers let me know where as it would be a good "test bed" for the system.

Eatern end of the IOW (see below)

Have a look at the Isle of Wight. The signs over there often include the
path number and I know at least some of them have been entered into OSM.

Footpath / Bridleway data in OSM on the IOW comes largely from 2 sources.

1) Ground survey - most (though not all) path signs have a reference number and this has been included in OSM. In general the newer signs have more information, and over the last year the council appear to be undertaking a program of renewing signs.

2) tracing from NPE & OS 1:25k, in which case the path reference number is not available.

as a general rule the paths in the eastern end of the IOW are more likley to have been sourced from ground survey.




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