for those of us who can't make it across the pond for sotm this year
(or even for those who fancy going to both), and who might have missed
this on talk@, there's an european sotm going on and the call for
papers just opened up. i'm sure everyone has something interesting
they've seen, done or are working on, and great talks are the heart of
a great conference, so i hope you'll consider sharing something cool
with the community at sotm-eu.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andreas Labres <>
Date: Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 12:08 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Call for Papers for SotM-EU is OPEN


As some of you might have already noticed, we (OpenStreetMap Austria) are
organizing next year's European OSM conference SotM-EU. It will be held July
15-17, 2011 at Vienna University of Technology. The focus will be on OSM
community themes. As the conference takes place at the university, we will also
put some small focus on research.

Here you can find the Call for Papers:

If you have developed some great tool, if you have done some difficult import or
any other aspect that you want to share with the OSM community - please sign up!
Please submit your papers/talks by the end of February 2011.

We are looking forward to your proposals!

Please forward this to other lists or forums. Also, see twitter under @sotmeu

Many thanks
- Manuela Schmidt
- Andreas Labres

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