Hi Steve,

>I have been  asked by editor of the Cartographic Journal to write a short 
>piece on  the effect of >the release of OS OpenData on the OpenStreetMap  
>project, and I am just trying to gather my >thoughts, and make sure I  cover 
>all bases.

 > [snip]

Not sure how relevant this is but I'd like to offer some "pro" arguments to 
certain aspects of OpenData. At the moment I'm working on combining the Vector 
Map District tile set with footpaths from OSM. Phil Endecott's "UK Map App" 
(mobile app doing a similar sort of thing - but no slippy map tileset) looks 
pretty impressive.

I'm also starting work on an augmented reality Android app for walkers, for 
which I'm planning to use Land-Form Panorama height data.

So - even if OS OpenData is not being used directly within the main OSM 
database - I would say that it provides valuable additional data for OSM-based 


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