A few updates on OSM Analysis and ITO Map.

Firstly, we are now updating OSM Analysis and ITO Map at about 8am each
morning with the previous days changes, in other words we will have edits up
to midnight available for use by about 8am the following morning. We will
continue to have the odd glitch.. today, unusually we had a new planet file
provided at 9am and then another one  at 7:30am rather than the more normal
one at midnight. As a result we didn't get yesterday's data online until
about 2pm today.

We have also relaxed the highway types to include highway=not which means
that some new areas should be at 100%. There are 91 districts at >95%, 41 of
which are at >99% and 20 are at 100%. I think we are going to need to add a
new colour for >99%! A slighlty different shade of blue could be good.

We have added more totals at the bottom of the report detailing the number
of new road names in the past day, week and month. (641 were added yesterday
and 20,000 in the last 30 days which is impressive). 10 months left for 100%
at that rate.

Here is the service:

We also released four additional overlay for ITO Map yesterday afternoon. Do
check out the many interesting overlay maps which reveal hidden OSM data and
can make it easier to find errors and omissions. Details and link to the
service here (no need to sign up)


Peter Miller
ITO World Ltd
Talk-GB mailing list

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