> From: bobhawk...@waitrose.com
> To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
> Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 16:25:08 +0100
> Subject: [Talk-GB] How to use relations for The Chiltern Way and its  
> extensions
> The Chiltern Way has a North Extension, a South 
> Extension and, new in 2010, a Berkshire Loop.  Perhaps this is true of some 
 other long-distance paths.  The Chiltern Way is shown at 
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_United_Kingdom_Long_Distance_Paths as
> only 33% complete.  As the South Extension and part of the 
> Berkshire Loop are within my area of interest in South Oxfordshire, I 
> should like to gradually add them as relations to the already-mapped ways in 
> order to increase that percentage.  I should be interested to learn 
> other mappers' views: should the three extensions be part of one 
> existing Chiltern Way relation, or relations in their own right, or both?  
> If part of one existing Chiltern Way relation, how can the three extensions 
> be 
> identified separately?

I think each part should be a stand alone-relation, and then the whole 
way would be 'super-relation' which groups the smaller relations 

More detail about this is in the "Multiple routes share the same path" in 


Be Seeing You - Rob.

If at first you don't succeed,

then skydiving isn't for you.                                     
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