While I agree with much of what has been written here about imports
in general, I feel I should at least comment that what Pawel is
doing is no different to what many others have done in the UK in
mapping their local admin boundaries from the best available sources
(at least I hoping they are his local ones). See
to see current coverage. I think we decided on this list when OS
Opendata was first available not to do a mass import of the whole of
the dataset and leave it down to local mappers to map where they
knew, mainly because of what had already been mapped so it didn't
clash. Having spend many hours repairing or completing incomplete or
broken boundary relations I sometimes think it would have been
better just to remove all the existing boundary ways and import the
whole lot, though I realise that others have spend many hours
merging boundary ways with existing ways where appropriate (although
I have seen boundaries which the opendata looks to run down one side
of the road merged with the centreline, and boundaries which follow
rivers merged with less accurate river ways rather than moving the
river tags to the relevant section of the boundary way).

A couple of years ago now I spent a long time tracing all Essex
district boundaries based on the old parish boundaries from NPE (and
much research), and the old parish boundaries in my local district.
Once opendata was available I used that to improve the local
district and parish boundaries that were already mapped, though only
as a small section at a time and not the whole district in one go.

Anyway, the difference with Pawel is that his JOSM upload failed for
whatever reason and he asked for help to resolve things. If he had
just tried uploading again he would have created a bunch of
duplicate nodes which might have got cleaned up by a bot or other
users eventually, and as far as I can tell he has succeeded in
reverting his changeset now. I have had JOSM fail on upload in the
past and was unaware of the changeset reverter (though the problems
may have predated that) and had to delete all the
nodes-which-should-be-joined-by-building-tagged-ways manually
(though I think in the end I decided upload again, download the
area, validate, merge duplicate nodes was quickest in my case).

I don't feel we should be discouraging people from asking for help,
anyway, even though I agree with all the stuff written about imports
since his first message.


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