Michael Collinson <mike@...> writes:

>OS data is currently not distributed under UK Open Government Licence
>but their own license which then incorporates UK Open Government
>Licence. Their own license includes a downstream attribution clause
>which OGL does not.

Ah - I was going by <http://data.gov.uk/dataset/os-code-point-open>
which seems to indicate the OGL is used.  So that web page is not
quite correct?

>CC-BY-SA technically forces map makers to attribute each and every
>contributor to OSM, ODbL does not.

Is it at least possible to combine map data under ODbL with the
Code-Point Open data to make a 'map plus postcodes' data set?  I am
guessing that the answer is no, at least not if you want to distribute
that data.

ODbL does not require attribution but it might be revised in ODbL 1.1
to allow an attribution requirement to be added by downstream users.
Then it would be possible for users of ODbL-licenced maps to combine
them with other open data that has an attribution requirement,
although sadly such data could not be used to improve OSM itself.

(As well as this postcode data set, another example of geodata with
attribution requirement is the CommonMap project, a CC-BY licenced map
of the world, which was partly intended as a common upstream which
several map projects including OSM could take data from.)

Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com>

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