>We probably shouldn't be using "ORPA" in OSM as this is an OS-specific
>term, that AFAIK only exists on their maps. 

I'm not so sure. In Hampshire in particular there are large numbers of tracks 
which "obviously" have public access (e.g. footpaths end on them, evidence of 
frequent foot/horse use) yet no explicit signposting. If we tag these with 
"designation=orpa" or perhaps something less formal, e.g. "suspected=orpa" (I 
think I used this once or twice) we can indicate these "likely" ORPAs. In some 
cases these are actually byways but without the signing there is no hard 
evidence. A "suspected" tag indicates the lack of hard evidence but allows 
users of the data to pick up on them and do what they will with them.


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