On 2013-04-09 14:39, Andy Mabbett wrote:
All railway bridges (over- and under-) in the UK have a unique number.
often carried on a metal (more recently plastic) identification plate,
or painted on:


Among other things, these are used to speedily identify the bridge in
case of a vehicle strike which may pose a danger to trains or other


Do we have a scheme for tagging UK railway bridges with their numbers?
I have looked on Wiki, and can't find anything, and my local bridges
are either not tagged; or tagged (for example) ref = B4124:


which does not identify that number as being a NetworkRail reference
(if indeed it is, being on a road overbridge maintained by the local

If we do not have something more specific, I'm happy to draft
something for discussion.

That ref=B4124 is presumably the road number, not the bridge number.
The tag bridge_ref (or bridge:ref or ref:bridge) is in fairly common use for bridge numbers.

I'm not sure if there is any common standard for railway bridges. What is signposted can vary. Sometimes its just a painted number, sometimes its a proper plate, including the line reference. Do you include the line reference as part of the bridge reference? I think its a good idea to do so, when its known. eg tag as something like bridge_ref=ETN/1601


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