Given that SotM-US has been running over this weekend, there's probably a
few of the talks which will be of interest to anyone. So far the one's I
think are worth a discussion over a pint are:

   - Mikel Maron's talk on community. This
various links.
   - Samn Bemel Benrud (MapBox designer) on a suggested re-design of the
   OSM front page. Some mock-ups on
   - Andy Allan on moving mapnik stylesheet to CartoCSS. Lots of hints from
   Andy about how he thinks the default map might be changed. The port looks
   pretty much like the current one, try it at

There was lots of fancy stuff about routing (rhymes with grouting) for
cars, and using vectors for rendering, but I didn't find these
presentations asking interesting questions about OSM in general.


On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 3:00 PM, sk53.osm <> wrote:

> I've put dates in the wiki for next 3 months of Nottingham pub meetings:
> next Tuesday 11th
> July 9th
> August 13th
> All will be at 19:30 at the Lincolnshire Poacher. A mapping activity for
> an hour beforehand (which may start from somewhere else) Details on the
> wiki:
> September is SotM, but might do something to coincide with one of the big
> geo events: I'm contemplating a Dead Pub Crawl!
> Regards,
> Jerry
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