Is there a mechanism for getting requests onto the wish list for the
Open Street Map Mapnk style sheets?

The particular issue is that now that people can trace quite small
features, some areas are getting overloaded with private foot paths
and private car parks (not to mention alleys and driveways),
particularly where apartment blocks are involved.  These make it
difficult to find public ones and pollute the landuse colouring.

I've added a comment to the access Wiki page, but comments on wiki
pages don't seem to get looked at.  What I'd like to do is to get onto
the wish list that private features like this should require a higher
zoom level, before they render, than equivalent public ones. (A thin,
dotted footpath can be difficult to spot in a sea of dashed ping

(A secondary problem is that people map these all with no access
restriction, or name them Private, but that can be fixed in the source
data without destroying information - the only problem is that it
needs verifying on the ground, whereas they can map, particularly car
parks, from aerial imagery.)

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