On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 00:36:00 +0100
SomeoneElse <li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk> wrote:

> I've noticed that locally a number of "GB:nsl_single", "GB:nsl_dual", 
> and "GB:motorway" "maxspeed:type" values have been consolidated into 
> "gb:national", so that that gone from nowhere to being the second 
> most-used value:

>From a quick skim through the data near me it appears that changes are
limited to ways that used to have non-numeric maxspeed values, e.g:

maxspeed=GB:nsl_single => maxspeed=60 mph,maxspeed:type=gb:national

Has anyone unearthed any that are actually changing an existing
maxspeed:type tag?

> Is this how we're mapping "national speed limits" now?

I've been using the maxspeed=60 mph,maxspeed:type=GB:nsl_single form
when mapping and I thought that I was following the herd.

> Other than 
> simple Garmin maps I'm not a consumer of the data, so am happy with 
> whatever people decide.  Actually, I was happy using
> "maxspeed=national" until some people (writing routers I think)
> complained that they couldn't figure out whether "national" meant
> 60mph or 70mph and what other restrictions might apply, and insisted
> on a numeric value in maxspeed, but I was happy to go along with that
> as long as the fact that it's a national limit rather than a numeric
> one wasn't lost.

I'd agree that maxspeed=national is insufficient as it is impossible
to tell what speed you can do in a built up area. I'm also not a huge
fan of the current practice of placing "single" or "dual" in the
maxspeed:type tag either as I consider the number of carriageways to be
feature of the road rather than the speed limit.

I guess if I had the luxury of redesigning the way we tag speed limits
it would look something like this:

maxspeed=x mph - where x is the posted speed limit or 30/60/70 mph for
national speed limit roads.
maxspeed:type=GB:(zone|limit|national) - The type of limit in force.
carriageway=(single|dual) - The type of road.

> Apologies if this has already been discussed at length somewhere
> else, but if so I never got the memo :)

Not to my knowledge.


Andy Street
type of limit in force.

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