Dudley Ibbett wrote:

In Upper Hulme (Old Buxton Road and Roach Road) and on roads above (Back of the Rocks) and below (Blackshaw Lane) there seem to be "odd" changes between Unclassified and Tertiary Road tags.


I've no experience with regard to tagging highways so I was wondering what information there is available to check whether this is correct of whether it is a judgement call? Roach Road is mostly single track and has a gate on it.

Hi Dudley,

There are a few things going on here I suspect:

The first thing that I notice is that the way IDs for some of the roads are very early, which in this location probably means that they were originally added from NPE data by someone without local knowledge, and it wouldn't have been possible to derive road type from there. That original contributor may well have long gone from the history, due to splits and merges etc. The second thing that might be happening is that someone's surveyed part of a road and changed that part from tertiary to unclassified, but left a bit after a way split still tertiary. There were lots of "tertiary unclassified" to the east in Derbyshire; there are fewer now due to the mapping attention that Derbyshire's had but are still some left in Staffordshire.

The third effect that you might be seeing (and here it's the odd cases used on road names that's the giveaway) is that some contributions are from an enthusiastic contributor from south of there who sometimes needs a bit of tidying up after (well meaning, but not always in the right place or called the right thing).

I tend to follow the UK bits of




for deciding if something's tertiary. This does result in some oddities - here <http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/52.9492/-1.8553> I made the road past the JCB plant tertiary but unclassified afterwards.

Basically, if it's wrong, change it! According to ITO world you're the most prolific contributor to that area by a factor of 2 so I'd say that you're the expert.



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