I logged a bug with iD regarding the non-visibility of some items in the background layer menu:


The issue that I actually logged is actually being addressed as part of a different bug, but another question span out of it. Of the available background layers:

 http://imgur.com/1O0KsiO <http://imgur.com/1O0KsiO>

are there any that can be omitted entirely? At the location that I took that screenshot (Derbyshire) in iD I don't see anything for OS 7th series, Mapbox Satellite or Mapquest Open Aerial, and if anyone's using NPE, Bartholomew 1/2 inch or OS 1 inch as backgrounds they probably shouldn't be using iD to do it (if for no other reason due to alignment issues). Am I maligning these sources and is there actually a valid reason why someone might want to trace from, say, NPE when more recent better aligned data is now available?



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