>>Are there any *non*-historical uses for NLS - Bartholomew Half Inch,
1897-1907; NLS - OS 1-inch 7th Series 1955-61; or OS New Popular Edition

Of course there are. Historical maps are a huge source of meta data for the
landscape, much of which cannot be obtained in any other way. The whole
purpose of making the OOC OS maps available is because they contain
information that is entirely relevant for today's map. Having spent many
many hours scanning and rectifying OOC OS mapping for OSM (not any other
project such as OHM) I hope that my efforts and those of the others who have
gone before with NPE etc have not be wasted.

Of course like all sources its necessary to understand the context. When
referring to old data sources you need to take a view on whether the
information is still likely to be relevant or indeed if it's still present
on the ground, but using old sources with modern BING and other open data
means that we can enrich OSM mapping.


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