Hi All,

Okay, I'm going to take a different approach and look at the original
intention of the OS OpenData initiative (ignoring OpenStreetMap). Not that
this relates to the original OS OpenData product.

A) Following public consultation [1]:

"Central government has negotiated a commercial agreement with Ordnance
Survey for the licence for OS OpenData and for its ongoing maintenance. As
set out above, this licence will allow the data to be used and re-used for
free by the public, including for commercial use."
--Quote from paragraph 3.14 of the consultation government response [2].

B) From the same document (paragraph 3.8):

"The modified package of datasets to be released has been named OS
OpenData(tm). This will provide access to a set of Ordnance Survey products
free of charge and without restrictions on use and re-use."

C) The Ordnance Survey are financially compensated for this:

"Our revenue recognition policy for OS OpenData has resulted in £20m of new
revenue in 2010-11, which comprises a fee for the data and a service
element to reflect the additional annual cost of serving a wider customer
base, including royalties and transaction costs."
-- Quote from page 10 of OS's Annual Report and Accounts 2010-11 [3]

D) Current confusion over the exact licence has been raised with the
regulator, the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI), and with the
Open Data User Group (ODUG). ODUG has put forward a paper requesting that
the licence be simplified (i.e. to adopt the standard OGL). Please continue
to file complaints with OPSI.

E) Whilst we are waiting for this, I suggest that the best next step is to
put a FOI request in for a copy of the "commercial agreement" between
Central government (DCLG) and the OS to see if their OS OpenData licence is
in breach of this agreement.

Any volunteers?


[1] Policy options for geographic information from Ordnance Survey
[3] http://www.official-documents.gov.uk/document/hc1012/hc11/1188/1188.pdf
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