I might have some time this weekend to look at the Rails side of things
(that is, if no one else has made any progress)

Will ping back in a couple of days


On 12 May 2014 21:08, Rob Nickerson <rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Steven,
> Thanks for the offer of help. Yesterday I managed to get the NYPL
> vectorizer working (this is the tool that has a first stab at creating
> vectors from the map). I did this on a small screenshot of NLS's London
> maps. I've asked Chris if he could send me a GeoTIF to do a larger scale
> test.
> Some of the key areas that I think need addressing:
> * Improving the automated vectorizer. Currently the vectorizer creates
> polygons of the inside of buildings (rather than following the wall). For a
> terraced street this produces a row of detached buildings. Some processing
> could improve this. I guess this could be done before, after, or both
> before and after the polygon has been processed by the human volunteers on
> the website.
> * The website looks like it's a Rails site. I would need a lot of help
> with this as it's an area I know very little about.
> Are you able to help with either of these?
> Kind regards,
> Rob
> On 12 May 2014 16:26, Steven Horner <ste...@stevenhorner.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would be happy to help in anyway and have previously had a conversation
>> with Chris at NLS regarding helping georeference some of their maps.
>> I had been looking into creating my own historical version of OSM for a
>> local personal project, when I looked a few weeks ago Open Historical Map
>> was down and was never very usable before that. It sounds like from the
>> WIKI things maybe starting to happen, date slider planned, etc.
>> regards,
>> Steven
>> On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Rob Nickerson <
>> rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All, Historic Map folks,
>>> I have now heard from Chris at National Library of Scotland (NLS). He is
>>> very supportive* of the idea of using something similar to the NYPL
>>> Building Inspector software and website for digitizing some of NLS's
>>> historic maps. As NYPL have made all their software Open Source, it should
>>> be relatively easy to roll this out with NLS's (or other) maps.
>>> Who's interested in getting involved? You lot set the pace of this :-D
>>> Regards,
>>> Rob
>>> * NLS would be able to supply the scanned and geo-rectified maps. As
>>> with everyone else their ability to do any more is limited by their level
>>> of funding. This should not be a problem as we can self host the website.
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