
Many thanks for your compliments - we’ve worked hard to integrate the OSM data 
into our routing algorithms. Some things are still causing us the odd problem, 
but on the whole we’ve been very pleased and it is a step change in quality 
from the old Navteq data.

I don’t know which website you have been using, but traveline is regional and 
not all of the regions are using the same GIS or system supplier. The regions 
currently using OSM are East & West Midlands, South West, East Anglia and South 
East. All use the same data set, which covers the whole of Great Britain, but 
with slightly differing interfaces.

I was going to send this just to you, but thought that others might like to see 
the reply re: the PDF maps. We know that they don’t look especially good at the 
moment, and that is an area that we have yet to fully re-configure. The 
colours/displays and what features are shown is not entirely as we want them to 
be. That’s one task that is down to me to do shortly!

There are other aspects of your email that I wanted to comment on, but those I 
WILL email direct, as they are all to do with the system and timetable data, 
and nothing at all to do OSM.

Stuart Reynolds
For traveline south east & anglia

From: SK53 []
Sent: 15 September 2014 3:00 PM
Subject: [Talk-GB] OSM on Traveline website

Over the weekend I made a fair bit of use of the traveline website for planning 
journeys in the Greater Manchester and Sheffield areas.
Something which was relatively new to me was OSM maps appearing under the local 
map button. These show pedestrian routes between various public transport 
modes, and can be saved as PDFs 
<> (although I 
don't find the PDF's as readable as the on-line versions which use 
'traditional' Mapnik style with a very clear overlay of bus stops and routing 
As one of my destinations was best reached by a number of different buses with 
very different routes, the provision of walking routes through parks & a nature 
reserve. In fact I wished I'd used this facility more as it would have meant 
I'd have caught an earlier bus in Sheffield: and I could have stored some of 
the PDF plans on the phone to double check exactly where the bus stops where 
situated. (I may have also been properly alerted that the tram network in 
Manchester was shut down on Saturday).
All-in-all its a very useful improvement to the Traveline site, and I felt a 
great deal of satisfaction that it was OSM data delivered through a 3rd party 
site. Although I've been aware of traveline's activity with OSM, I'd no idea 
that I'd find it so useful.
Many thanks,
Talk-GB mailing list

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