On 05/11/14 08:32, Stuart Reynolds wrote:

To be honest I've never quite understood the obsession with mapping
individual shops. Fine if it is done everywhere, but it isn't. Shops
come and go, and if I was to do this in Southend High Street I'd have to
walk up it on a weekly basis at present to capture all the changes.
Frankly, I've got better things to do given many missing crossings,
footpaths, cycle ways etc that would really enhance the data.

That's close to my view, although I think you an get away with a three monthly survey. Not that that makes much difference as I reckon the current rate will just about map every shop in 40 to 50 years!

The other thing is that it seems to be concentrating on the big brands, which means that people are being over-influenced by their marketing efforts. Moreover, there is little need for data collection on big brands, as anyone who needs it can easily obtain information on all their store locations, and they have the resources to maintain electronic maps if they think it is useful to their business.

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