
I'm curious. Where does it say in the sign up that there's this bunch of people 
on a mailing list and you'd better check with them before you do anything?

I'm playing Devil's Advocate here, of course, but I genuinely don't believe 
that people are editing the map to make it worse, and they may be as close to 
the ground as any one of us, even if their views differ from either the 
majority, the "accepted way", or both.

That is precisely why the wikis are important - they are the "style guide" that 
most users see and try to follow.


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On 19 Nov 2014, at 21:23, Brian Prangle 
<<>> wrote:

I'll defend Birmingham because I live here and I've contribruted to the data 
and I've discussed its structure with other mappers. It works for us. If we're 
not happy with it we'll change it ourselves. If anyone else is not happy with 
it ask us and we might just agree with you (or not) and do the necessary work. 
A little bit of courtesy to the mappers on the ground goes a long way.



On 19 November 2014 20:54, John Baker 
<<>> wrote:

I understand the arguments against the wiki from the haters here. However it is 
used as a point of reference and should be more respected and anti-wiki 
comments are just insulting to those that actually take the effort to edit it. 
If the wiki is wrong change the wiki - the concept is not difficult.
Slowly there is more cohesion between the default renderer, wiki and the 
editors just stubborn old timers in OSM that will not change.

I argument that things have been there a long time therefore they are right is 
foolish. Many times things are just left because so many fear of changing 
anything as they think someone else has done it "right".  Again discouraging 
new editors in the "long tail".
I cannot believe anyone here thinks all the changes are wrong in these edits. I 
await to see people defend the "Quarters" in Birmingham as they were.
If anyone is that passionate about their own personal "standards" here (which 
is less consensus than a wiki as it is only 1) over than that is in more 
established sources like the wiki then at least put a note in there explaining 
why. That is normal practice.

Reverting will just leave the status quo of leaving erroneous information in 
OSM. I am not saying all of them are right but some will be.

Personally I avoid highway=path. However what about the same situation is in 
reverse. Should I tell everyone not to change highway=path to highway=footway?! 
If that is not my place, is it your place to do the other. However it raises 
the bigger issue of if there is no consensus then we will just get a mixture 
throughout the UK.

Just because an area (suburb, etc) has shops in doesn't mean that should be 
classified as a village, town, etc. Just because something was a village, etc 
hundreds of years ago doesn't mean it is now.
And no-one has ever answered "I live in the village of Peckham" to the question 
of "What town/city/village do you live in?" and yes I lived there too.

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:01:33 +0000
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Suburbs in London/Brum - big edits

Thanks for all the comments.

Could somebody revert the two London changesets? The move to the alternative 
hierarchy of suburb/quarter/etc can always be done later after some more 
considered thought. These existing hierarchy was a settled consensus of sorts 
resulting from years of tweaks. I myself spent quite a bit of time reviewing 
all the places in South East London some years ago.

To respond to John, discussions on the wiki have always involved a fairly small 
number of mappers, and the convention is that you shouldn't go around changing 
long-established data because some people on the wiki decided one logical 
approach was the best. As Richard Fairhurst said in the comments to the 
changeset, the fact that these place names have been there for a long time 
suggests there is a good reason for them to be so. We've not just overlooked 
this all those years. The same could be said of that awful tag "highway=path", 
which has been around for a long time but which I - and many others - refuse to 
use. It's fine if you want to use it, but please don't go changing 
highway=footpath and so on to highway=path because some wiki page says it's 

Personally, I think it is important to recognise that Peckham, Lewisham, 
Brixton, Wimbledon and so on are town centres, they are not just suburbs. They 
are recognised as such in planning policy, they fulfil an important town centre 
function, and would be considered town centres by many people who live, work 
and shop there. This isn't tagging for the renderer, it's getting the hierarchy 


On 19 November 2014 17:47, Andy Robinson 
<<>> wrote:

We should not blindly assume that the ordered way as described on the wiki is 
right. It may be entirely logical and reasonable but it might not reflect the 
local situation on the ground. I've started a Birmingham related thread on the 
west mids list in order that those of is with a detailed knowledge of Brum can 
work through and see whether any of the "place" objects need adjustment. Many 
were put in as they are many years ago so it's good to have a look again. It's 
not about tagging for the renderer or even tagging for logic. It's just tagging 
for the real world.



From: John Baker [<>]
Sent: 19 November 2014 17:27
To: Tom Chance; talk-gb OSM List E-mail
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Suburbs in London/Brum - big edits

Lets put some clarity on this.

a) they are not big edits. They are a handful of nodes.
b) "advice now given in the wiki" and "self-appointed wiki editors" implies 
that suddenly some rouge wiki editor changed something that in general the OSM 
community doesn't agree with. Suburbs are well established. In fact that 
description line is over 3 years old! And from that pages inception in 
September 2006 there is a similar line of text about not using village, etc and 
using suburbs, etc. Even for someone that doesn't like change it is hardly a 
rapid, sweeping one.

To be honest I have never noticed (and have mapped plenty in London) before but 
it sounds like the reasons to keep it as is for, Peckham as a village or 
whatever, is a clear case of mapping for the renderer.

Maybe we should also look at how other large international cities have mapped 
these areas.

I am all for changes some/many/all of these to a more correct and modern (well 
post 09/2006) standard.


Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 10:07:16 +0000
Subject: [Talk-GB] Suburbs in London/Brum - big edits

Hello there,

As somebody who dislikes change, I was slightly horrified to see these edits:

The user has changed a whole lot of places within London and Birmingham that 
were tagged as town / village / hamlet / etc. to place=suburb. He appears to be 
following the advice now given on the wiki, that:

"Areas of a town/city should not be tagged with place=town, place=village or 
place=hamlet. These should only be used for distinct settlements."

Apart from the fact that I cannot stand it when the work of self-appointed wiki 
editors leads to somebody making sweeping edits of others' work, I also really 
don't like losing the hierarchy of place implicit in Wimbledon being marked as 
a town, Forest Hill a village, Belleden a hamlet, and so on, and them all just 
becoming 'suburb'. Apart from the fact that many places in London were 
historically towns in their own right, they are often also regarded as town 

But should we swallow this and move to the use of 

If so, I'd like to do this properly, instead of the process that this user has 
gone through to just make everything 'suburb'.




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