On Thu Mar 5 10:03:18 2015 GMT, Jonathan Bennett wrote:
> > On 04/03/2015 22:59, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
> > > Ok, last call for comments.
> > 
> > I don't see a huge amount of support for automatically importing these
> > from the GB community. If there's such a small number, why not just list
> > them on this mailing list and local mappers can check the accuracy
> > before mapping them in the normal way.
> > 
> > > Please note this is an ongoing import, so new nodes will show up from
> > > time to time under the same conditions.
> > 
> > I'm not aware of any previous cases where the community has said it's OK
> > for an open-ended, ongoing import to happen. They've been done as
> > one-offs or in batches (e.g. Naptan) but there's always been a limited
> > set of data.
> > 
> > GB is well-enough served by local mappers for listing potential sites on
> > the wiki (for example) for later mapping to work. Directly adding
> > possibly erroneous locations to the map is just going to harm OSM's
> > reputation for being the most accurate map available.
> > 
 And/or add 6 notes to the map, providing notes have meaningful content they 
tend to be picked up local mappers..
There is really no need to import this type of data in the UK where the mapping 
culture is to walk/cycle and just go and have a looksee. Well that applies to 
UK culture in general,  choosing to walk is not viewed with suspicion. 
Imho notes offer an easy to see/navigate to and are visible in osmand.
Phil (trigpoint ) 

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