Hi All

Just had a quick look at the OpenData, in summary:

-> Buildings are slightly more detailed, basically vector versions of
the one on the streetview raster map
-> All of the rest, forests, rivers, are no different than the current
Vector data we already have (AFAIK). Forests,rivers etc are the same
size as the older data.
-> Roads seem to include a few more details, but not enough detail on
them for accurate usage in OSM.

So basically, it gives us slightly improved buildings, but they are
still highly simplified in terms of their pay for products.


On 24 March 2015 at 18:58, Rob Nickerson <rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> So the new OS OpenData that was discussed a few weeks ago is now available:
> https://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/blog/2015/03/new-os-opendata-products-now-live/
> I think there could be many good uses of this including to help validate
> some of our data.
> If anyone is using this then let us know so that we don't duplicate work.
> Rob
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