Hi Rob,

I've read over the minutes. Things look good.

On 17 December 2015 at 22:02, Rob Nickerson <rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com>

> As noted I would like to set up mailing lists as a replacement to the
> current system (mailing those who submitted an email address in the
> original survey). Please sign up via the following form. Page 2 (diversity)
> is entirely optional and I will only share annonymised results with the
> officers elect.

The minutes do not state that people agreed to set up non OSM mailing lists
as a replacement to the current system. I couldn’t find any discussion
about emails or mailing lists. All I could find was one action point:

"Rob: We should get e-mails. I’ll put a form on the talk-GB list."

Could you tell us who didn't attend the meeting and may be missing out on
some background, what is this form for?

For example, what were the attendees views on this mailing list talk-gb?
Why should people sign up on this new form, what benefits to signing, what
potential losses to not signing up etc. Is this new list private, non
public, or public and open to all? Is the intention to have it as members
only (similar to HOT-membership) or not?

Sorry if it may seem like you would be repeating yourselves from previous
discussions, but I feel it could be useful to get all potential interested
members on board :-)

Best regards,

Talk-GB mailing list

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