Before we started on this there was a survey which 100 people replied to,
with a majority indicating they were in favour of  a local chapter, which
does indicate some need.

I do go out mapping regularly too and improve the quality/quantity of the
data - as do most of the people currently working to create a local
chapter. It's not an either/or binary choice - it is possible to do both.
As I said if you don't agree then just ignore us and carry on mapping



On 27 April 2016 at 23:23, Dave F <> wrote:

> On 27/04/2016 16:11, Brian Prangle wrote:
>> Dave I couldn't agree more, but for a formal organisation then I'm afraid
>> the bureaucratic activities are a necessary evil. I'm sure all of those
>> engaged in this process are like me and would rather be out mapping.
> Then why don't you? From the previous threads I've read it appears it's
> being established because it can rather than any actual need.
> And there'll always be mappers who don't want to join any formal
>> organisation, just map. Those of you like this can safey ignore us.
>> Hopefully you'll still benefit from the organisation's activities prmoting
>> OSM in the UK
> And likewise you'll be able to benefit from the mappers who will improve
> the quality of the database, which, I /really/ believe needs to be
> iterated, is the *core* purpose of OSM.
> I have a inkling I will be repeating that in future posts as I feel some
> are loosing sight of what OSM is about.
> Dave F.
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