On my Android phone I can set the GPS on, WiFi off ... in the pull down settings menu.
This avoids any issues with wifi errors in their location and copyright.
I normally use a dedicated GPS receiver, the phone is a backup and as I normally use it as a simple phone I turn off both WiFi and GPS for battery life.

On 09-Oct-16 10:46 PM, Andy Townsend wrote:
Short answer: Probably not.

Longer answer:

There are two bits to this. One is where your phone got its location from and the other is what you actually added to OSM.

Taking the first bit first, it would depend on where the app got its location from. If the app said that it uses Play Services if "high accuracy" is set (in the app), then you've got to assume that is what it is using. If you're in the middle of nowhere then that location is going to be based on GPS only. If you're in a town it'll use wifi hotspots that Google users have seen previously as well. The third component, cell site location, is unlikely to give you anything more useful than the other two (when I last looked at the accuracy of that in town, which was pre 4g, it was more than 500m, so not much use).

The second bit is I would expect dependant on a whole bunch of things - I use GPS traces, Bing imagery, OS Streetview in addition to my own recollection of what things actually looked like.

If you were recording a GPS trace in the centre of a town, using mostly local wifi hotspots for location, and converting that trace to a way in OSM without engaging brain, then it could be argued that Google's locations are getting into OSM. As you aren't doing that, I doubt that it can (notwithstanding that I'm not a lawyer, and I suspect that a lawyer could argue about anything if necessary).

It does depend on the app of course - I'm writing this on a phone that runs Android apps but doesn't support Play Services, but that's a rapidly diminishing segment of the market unless Amazon decides to head-butt that plate-glass window again or possibly Samsung thinks they need to break free of Google. It also depends on user input - for example MAPS.ME does use Google Play Services but does allow user placement of POIs‎ prior to saving.

*From: *Nick Whitelegg
*Sent: *Sunday, 9 October 2016 12:11
*To: *talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
*Subject: *[Talk-GB] Location: High accuracy mode on android

Hi, just wanted to check something. Unintentionally I had location on High accuracy mode on android when mapping last week... Annoyingly it sets it to this each time you turn location on... And the documentation says it uses Google location services. Will this violate any copyright? Hope not as it will mean deleting mapping from last week. Don't think it will but thought I'd best check.

Thanks, Nick

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