On 23/11/16 09:53, Warin wrote:
A 'mobile' business .. such as a mobile caterer or a mobile mechanic may
not be something that needs to present on the OSM map? I'd think someone
looking for a mobile service would want to contact them by phone .. and
be best served by using a phone search.

Google certainly ban them from their map, as "service area businesses without a storefront" <https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/map-maker/0-0wplytssg>, for the above reasons. There are, of course, a lot of such businesses actually on Google, and probably even more on Bing, because businesses see these as advertising directories not as maps (you can find these on OSM as well, typically with a very long description in marketing-speak).

Google do allow them in their business directory services.

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