Hi Grant,

Neat to hear you have been experimenting. I recall looking at RINEX post 
processing a few years back when we didn’t have aerial imagery but the need for 
accurate GPS seemed to recede with time, however having access to something 
which gets survey level precision would put is on a par with the OS when it 
comes to adding new development content. I hate having to add stuff roughly, 
especially when there is a danger I'm unlikely to revisit.

The Emlid Reach RS (like similar antenna) isn’t cheap kit, which is probably 
the biggest disadvantage of accurate surveying.


-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Slater [mailto:openstreet...@firefishy.com] 
Sent: 02 April 2017 22:03
To: osm-gb
Subject: [Talk-GB] RTK / Base Stations / NTRIP


I've recently been experimenting with Real-time Kinematic (RTK) "GPS"
GNSS receivers and RTKLIB with some reasonable success. I've been able to get 
repeatable centimetre level position accuracy.
I've been using u-blox NEO-M8T chipsets.

Unfortunately there are very few open and realtime RTK/RTCM NTRIP streams 
available in the UK.
The lack of access to a reasonably nearby stream limits the RTK to mostly 
post-processing application.

The open live streams I have found for the UK are at Daresbury, Inverness, 
Shoeburyness. All of which are in excess of 70km from where I live.

OS Net has good coverage, but is commercial. They do provide open access RINEX 
post processing data, 24 hours after capture:

I'd be interested to know if anyone else has been experimenting with RTK?

Do you need a live RTCM stream for experimenting / survey? I can create one, 
happy to travel closer on the weekends too. I use a Emlid Reach RS.

Kind regards,

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