On 12/08/17 13:12, Dave F wrote:
> I also think the 'is_in:country_code' along with all 'is-_in' tags are
> redundant if there's a boundary tag..

In the past I thought that the is_in element was something of a problem,
but it does have a place when one remembers that OSM is all about the
data. "if there's a boundary tag" is the problem here if one is
extracting a set of data? Processing a number of boundaries around a set
of objects takes time, while cleanly managed is_in:admin_area with a
proper hierarchy allows a much quicker lookup of information such as -
in the case of the the UK - parliamentary boundaries, wards, historic
county, NHS admin area and so on without having to physically draw every
fine detail of these ever changing boundaries. BUT it only works well if
there is a well defined hierarchy so tagging is_in:gb-ward
gives all this data in a format we can freely use as with the other
'boundary' data.

It is just a pity that 'postcode' is so badly organised that it quite
regularly straddles these other boundaries, but is_in:gb-postcode would
remove the need to add all of the associated address data to every
object on a particular street, and for the vast majority of postcodes it
WOULD also identify all of the other is_in: data at a higher level. It
just needs an object defining is:gb-postcode and is:gb-ward to provide
all the hierarchy ... without overloading the server with searches for
all of the boundaries intersecting the original dataset?

Of cause I am also still looking to maintain access to historic data,
and this model makes it easy to check start and end dates of
is:gb-postcode and is:gb-ward without having to maintain all of those
boundaries actually in the base dataset - something which the majority
of users seems to have decided against :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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