Hi all

The Welsh Government announced yesterday a grant to ODI-Cardiff to fund
some work around the Welsh language on OSM.

This is our announcement

In English http://cardiff.theodi.org/2017/11/14/map-i-gymru/
and in Welsh http://cardiff.theodi.org/cy/2017/11/14/map-i-gymru/

In the way of these things, the funding application was put together at the
last minute and, though we heard a couple of weeks ago that we would be
getting the grant we couldn't talk about it publicly until yesterday.

We hope to:
- create a Welsh language tileserver (building on the excellent cysom
- do some work to encourage tagging in the Welsh language and to encourage
more mapping in Wales
- encourage organisations in Wales (including the public sector) to make
more use of OSM including by demonstrating one or two simple Welsh language

The funding covers a project until end of March and we will also be looking
for opportunities for ongoing funding/support to keep the server
infrastructure viable into the medium term.

We have contacted a few people off list to talk about this project but I'm
conscious that there are people who have been very actively mapping in
Wales for some time who we haven't had the chance to contact.

We really hope to work with the whole community on this. Any suggestions,
insights, ideas, "definitely don't do this..." experiences etc would be
very gratefully received.


Ben Proctor
ODI-Cardiff / The Satori Lab
Talk-GB mailing list

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