I noticed recently that an Argos[1] counter has opened inside the large
Sainsbury's supermarket at Murrayfield, but I am not sure how best to tag

I had a quick look, and Argos stores in the UK seem to be tagged in
multiple ways, but I am not skilled enough with Overpass to check how many
of each:

   - shop=catalogue
   - shop=department_store
   - shop=general_retailer
   - shop=general
   - shop=supermarket
   - shop=yes
   - etc.

I suspect shop=catalogue is probably the best option for a normal Argos
store, but just wondering:
a) if anything special is needed when it is just a counter in another store
(given that this is pretty much all there is own the other shops,
b) if there is any consensus on how to tag these, and
c) if so, whether these should be standardised across the UK?

[1] https://www.argos.co.uk

Thanks, Donald
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