On 04/04/2019 09:38, Brian Prangle wrote:
Hi everyone

Back in the day of the original NapPTAN import we imported pay scale areas - tagged as public_transport=pay_scale_area. I don't know why we ever did this - there's no evidence on the ground and it's highly unlikely that any OSM data consumer makes use of them ( if indeed they are still current).

I actually did use the local ones (when they were accurate), but as the bus companies changed their rules I deleted them because they were just wrong.

The information is better in public_transport applications run by public transport bodies

Can you give an example of where such information might be found?  I could hesitate a guess*, but I suspect not every reader of this list in the future would necessarily be aware of that.

So I'm proposing that they are all deleted

The equivalent for anywhere with a sane public transport system might object, but it could be that no such place exists outside London...

Best Regards,


* locally a combination of the council website, Bus company websites, Traveline and Google Maps are all likely to be equally wrong in different ways.  There is no authoritative answer.  When services were withdrawn due to government cuts last year the best answer was usually to ask the driver when a particular service would stop running.

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