Humm, warning, pedantic hat on...

If you  cannot determine what it is used for .. don't use the tag landuse.

For the presence of vegetation use the key 'natural' (it applies to both natural and unnatural things!) and if you have problems with that (like me with unnatural things being tagged 'natural) then use the landcover tag (unapproved).

On 25/05/19 16:06, Martin Wynne wrote:
Apart from the specialised tags such as "orchard" there appears to be only 2 tags available for general agricultural land:


which I have taken to mean arable land. i.e. land suitable for the growing of crops, even if currently used as pasture for grazing by livestock; and


which I have taken to mean other land which has no history of being used for crops, usually because it is unsuitable in some way -- too steep or uneven, liable to flooding ("water meadows"), poor soil, presence of too many trees, areas of scrub, poor drainage, etc. In many cases used only for sheep.

Here are a few pics of what I would tag as "meadow" even if not technically "unimproved grassland" or whatever is the proper definition of a meadow:





If "meadow" is not the correct tag, what is? Do we need a new tag? "farmland" doesn't seem right -- none of the above is going to become a field of potatoes any time soon.

landcover=grass (and I hate it, but for the rendering landuse=grass) for the landcover.

But to me that is landuse=farmland, surface=grass, product=? sheep? wool? wool;sheep? Landuse=meadow is not something I'd use, rather than being a use of the land it is someone tagging what they see - a land cover.

As for the need to have a specific tag for this use of the land ... well there are vast differences between farm land used for grazing cattle in Australia e.g.

And the Anna Creek one will change with some rain.

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