Hi Chris,

I'm a bit surprised this hasn't come up before. I imagine on NPE maps the
land was stippled.

Rural private parks always had some areas used for pasture and even arable.
Even Wollaton Park used to have a couple of fields for cattle grazing when
I was a kid. Obviously places like Chatsworth, Clumber etc should be mapped
as parks. In the East Midlands we have Locko Park
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/436130317> mapped as such, Maynell
Langley <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/206850046> (a private park
managed as such), Kedleston <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/946884>
(an NT property, a fair bit of the land is farmed but has a parkland
landscape). Thoresby and Welbeck are not mapped as parks although in
landscape features they are not so different from Clumber.

Attingham Park in Shropshire is very inconsistently mapped. Park of the NT
property is mapped as leisure=park, the area labelled "Deer Park" is mapped
landuse=grass and the wester parts of the park as landuse=farmland. At a
landscape level all of this is one single park with plantings, avenues,
specimen trees are organised as part of a specific scheme.

The area around Belvoir Castle <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/229151639>
from Woolsthorpe westwards is clearly part of a park landscape.

My tentative suggestions are as follows:

   - Map the parkland landscape as leisure=park
   - Have an additional tag which clearly differentiates these historical
   parks in rural areas from the general expectation that leisure=park means
   an urban park. You can see I experimented with urban=no & rural=yes when
   wishing to exclude these areas from potential landuses aggregated to make
   urban areas.
   - Map additionally other landuses in the park: farmland, gardens etc.
   - Use an appropriate access tag.

Problems arise when parts of the area are an attraction and other areas are
private, but this situation exists for many existing rural parks, including
country parks. As NT properties with farming tenants such as Clumber &
Attingham are good examples it may be worth us including them in the
discussion. I vaguely recalled Belton being mentioned at SotM-13 in the
context or OSM & NT.

We can't ultimately avoid the fact that urban parks ultimately derive from
these historical landscape parks of the rich. Indeed it's only in the past
50 or so years that these have tended to disappear from OS maps.


On Sat, 14 Sep 2019 at 16:56, Chris Hill <o...@raggedred.net> wrote:

> HI All,
> I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, if so sorry.
> Someone has added the land around large country houses in East Yorkshire
> as leisure=park. The grounds are what I might describe as parkland,
> private space around the house (though it may be open to the paying
> public such as around Sledmere House) and often it is grazing for sheep,
> sometimes cattle or even deer. I think it is possibly farmland (pasture)
> but it is somewhat different with a number of individual trees in the
> space, probably to enhance the view from the house. It is not what I
> would describe as a park, but the mapper probably took the name (e.g.
> Dalton Park) as the clue.
> Does anyone have a better tagging scheme than farmland?
> --
> cheers
> Chris Hill (chillly)
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