Hi all

Two rights of way questions for England & Wales:

What do we do when a public bridleway passes down an otherwise private
track, as here <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/729405361>?

Both the track the the right of way are 'on the ground'.

Do I mark a track, with all it's passability tags, and then tag horses &
foot=designated? That acknowledges the track, but disregards the
documentation here
which says "Public bridleways should be tagged: highway
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway>=bridleway and designation
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:designation>=public_bridleway" .

Or do I follow the documentation and disregard the visible track?

Same question for public footpaths.

What should I do with this footpath
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/729709956>, which appears on OSM and
also on the OS map
as a public footpath.

There is absolutely no indication of it on the ground: no beaten path, no
fingerboard, no break in the hedge at the SW end (it wouldn't need one at
the NE end, open country).

Do I delete as probably sourced from OS, or leave as it's a right of way?

(For some reason the history shows me as the author of Version #1 of that
path, but actually it long predated my edits in this area. iirc the
history, before my edits elsewhere apparently over-wrote it, showed it as
added several years ago)


Edward (eteb3)
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